【IT速報】Brizzly to shut down on March 31

Dear friend of Brizzly,

As you might know, the Brizzly team merged with AOL in September 2010, and we set to work improving AIM soon after our acquisition. After a long year of work, we launched the next generation of AIM at aim.com.

Some of the key features of the new AIM will look familiar, especially if you used the Brizzly Picnics group chat feature. We've incorporated group chats and inline media previews just like you saw in Picnics, plus cool new things like notifications for activity on social networks and messaging platforms such as Twitter and Facebook.

We also redesigned the app with a simple interface that has made our own instant messaging experiences all the more pleasurable. You can even take your chats on the go with great new AIM for iPhone and Android apps &#8211 again go to aim.com to download.

Before you go, please note these two important things:
You'll need to find a new Twitter client soon if you were still relying on Brizzly (Twitter makes a nice client or three these days)
You'll need to download any Brizzly Pics you want keep if you've uploaded these to Brizzly. You'll have until the end of March to download but after that we'll delete any photos that remain.
We do hope you check out AIM, but more importantly, we want to thank you again for being a fan and supporter of Brizzly over the years. Don't be a stranger.


Jason Shellen & the (former) Brizzly team

